Archive for garden design with stone – Page 8

Ultimate Courtyard Garden

Blog pic Knight in her new courtyard garden Photo Oct 18, 10 30 35 AMCondominium owner Katherine Knight had a tiny disaster back yard.  She went on Angie’s List and found Carol Lindsay Landscape Design in a Day and on the phone we hit it off instantly.  She told me “It all sucks, what I want is a beautiful low maintenance place to chill out with my friends.”  After talking we decided that a Landscape Design in a Day would fit her needs perfectly.

On our design day I found plenty of difficulties, horrible surface roots from the condominium common area trees, deep shade, an avalanche of tree debris and some tricky rules and regulations from the condominium association.

On the plus side, her small back yard looked out on a park like setting of grass and mature trees.  She had a hydrangea gifted from her daughter and a structurally attractive Japanese Maple that we could reuse beautifully.

My client says “it all sucks” referring to her tiny back yard

Katherine also wanted a garden that she could care for into her golden years.  On our design day it became clear that a courtyard would be perfect for her.  I suggested stone walls to create two large planters that would frame the new courtyard.  The surface was “last forever” 2″ thick, dyed concrete slabs that fit over a pressure treated wood deck frame.  This technique was a big money saver.  I added full season, easy care plantings into her planters  and utilized her daughter’s hydrangea in a prominent location.  We saved her Japanese Maple and made it the focal point of the garden by selecting a sparkling copper toned pot and placing it where it could be seen from the dining room table.  She was excited about the design and hired me to help her be her own general contractor for the installation.

“I got everything I wanted and then was shocked at how beautiful it all is.”

I brought in specialty contractors to include my husband, Bob Lindsay, Urban Renaissance, and two other contractors that I have worked with previously. In addition to installing the new design, the irrigation was updated to fit the new landscape.

Kathy said “I got everything I wanted and then was shocked at how beautiful it all is.  My neighbor says I now have the ultimate courtyard garden and I added a $20,000 value to my condominium.”

Kathy and I will work together to design her gate and install her lighting plan in the Spring.

Garden Tip: Using Stone in the Garden

I love to work with stone. Placing boulders in a hillside rockery, selecting patio flagstone for a patio, or creating a pathway that weaves through the lawn……..stone anchors the design and brings nature to our doorstep.

Flagstone versus stepping stone=No contest

Entry focal point at Hilton Residence Inn in Raleigh Hills, OregonUse flagstone which is by definition 2″ thick by at least 12″ x 12″. In patios, I prefer a mix of flagstone at 14″ to even 24″ across. Why? It makes better visual impact, and if set into a proper crushed rock base, it won’t move under your feet. Since it is thicker, it’s less prone to crack. Stepping stone by definition are smaller and often end up being precarious. The only thing worse than poorly set, dinky stepping stone is to use pea gravel instead of crushed rock for your base. The pea gravel looks pretty but is not remotely stable, resulting in a mess. It can be an ankle turner as well. No pea gravel!

Select flagstone for how it will look weathered

  • When selecting flagstone, keep in mind that over time it will look more weathered than what you see initially at the rock yard. All stone gets a coat of flora and fauna on it, faster in the shade than sun.
  • Stone with red or orange areas in it indicates iron. Some types of stone with iron can come off on your shoes. Those colors are wonderful especially for color in the winter. What to do? Ask a professional like Lew or Sherrie at Smith Rock about what types will run.

Low Stone for an Entry Garden

Northwest Natural stone path

Rustic stone path integrates the 3 garden rooms.

Try something different? Instead of going vertical with your rock, go horizontal!! If we all do this instead of the typical vertical style, 10 years from now I will be saying, let’s try something different and go vertical! It takes longer to wear out an idea in the landscape than interior decor. The Hilton water feature idea would normally have been brought in using a millstone from China. Our final selection was a chunk of local basalt drilled at Smith Rock, a much better environmental choice than shipping stone using up so much precious fuel from so far away.