Spruce Up Your Yard for Curb Appeal: Expert Tips from a Landscape Designer
Are you planning to downsize in the next few years? You might be ready for a simpler life, but before you sell your house, giving your yard a touch-up—or a full redesign!—could make a considerable difference in attracting potential buyers and getting the best offers.

However, the good news is that you may not need to spend a fortune on a total yard makeover! As a landscape designer with extensive experience designing front landscapes to look and feel inviting, I have some friendly tips to share with you.
1. Consult Early with Professionals
Usually, I suggest my clients consult with a realtor (yes, even two or three years early) or a landscape designer like me with experience in preparing home landscapes for resale. Why? A professional will help you determine where to invest your money effectively. We are impartial to all the personal details of your landscape. There’s no need to fix every little thing; you just want to address what’s truly necessary. Realtors and seasoned landscape designers like myself have the insights needed to pinpoint and address potential buyer’s priority concerns.
2. Curb Appeal: First Impressions Matter
A bad curb appeal photo can be a deal-breaker these days. Plan now to ensure your entry photo is a wow factor or at the very least, has no unattractive views. Take a few photos from different angles and ask a friend for their opinion. Sometimes, a fresh set of eyes can spot things you might overlook.

3. Screen Unattractive Views
Looking into a neighbor’s yard or window from key areas of the home can be off-putting for potential buyers. People feel strongly about privacy. I often design for homeowners within one or two years of their moving into a new home, and I’ve noticed that a lot of the initial discomfort due to lack of privacy tends to fade over time. However, to appeal to a buyer’s initial concerns, providing more privacy or screening than you have needed maybe crucial. Starting now means you can plant something that shows promise of future screening, even if it hasn’t reached its full height by the time you move.
4. Enhance Key Views
Views from picture windows and master bedrooms are key selling points. Block unattractive views, such as a shed, with a well-placed small tree or large shrub. Remember a plant is not always the solution. Enhancing these views can transform the space into a tranquil retreat that buyers will love.
5. Keep It Simple
An overly manicured landscape or one with lots and lots of cottage garden style plantings can scare off potential buyers. A simple yard with a neatly shaped lawn and well-maintained planting beds is more appealing. If you have a native plant area that looks very natural, consider getting a backyard bird certification sign. The certification sign can give the impression your natural styled outdoor space is deliberate and cared for.
6. Avoid the Appearance of Ongoing Projects
Ensure that nothing in your yard looks like a project for the potential buyer. Buyers want to envision themselves moving in without additional hassles. A clean, well-maintained yard says “move-in ready.”
Wrapping up
Following these tips can spruce up your yard without the expense of a total makeover.
PS: Remember, while Realtors are experts in market trends, don’t underestimate the value a skilled landscape designer can bring to the table. We’re here to help make your yard look its absolute best, ensuring a smooth and successful sale!
Contact Us
Contact us for a landscape design that takes into account the future of your property whether you plan to live there 20 years or three. We love to draw up our designs inspired by ideas from your dreams but you can count on us to lay the foundation for future resale.