Archive for Plants – Page 8

Native plants Oregon Grape anchor corner of front yard

Front yard east corner oregon grape thriving in full sun

before landscape design pple Tree w old paver patio

Apple tree with worn out patio in tiny backyard NE Portland Les Br

pennesetum alocuroides fountain grass in SE Portland no lawn front yard landscape design

modern front walk with grasses heathers and lavanders in low water landscape design for front yard in SE Portland

Ball Vinnie modern front walk with grasses heathers and lavanders in low water landscape

Panicum Virgatum Ruby Switch Grass at Blooming Junction

Panicum virgatum American Switch Grass glowing red in mid summer in Portland Oregon

Plant photo taken at Blooming Junction in mid July.

Fescue Elijah Blue in no lawn front yard Portland

Fescue Elijah Blue in Portland front yard with colorful low water sedum groundcovers

PA CHR front yard is no mow w hot colored sedums and cool blue toned fescue grass