Landscape Designer Carol Lindsay, (with nicely chilled grandboy Beckett) samples heirloom apples at Portland Nursery
I am sharing my top three apples out of 50 selected at Portland Nursery’s 25th Apple Tasting Celebration. A garden tip is to research (hint taste) and plant special varieties of edibles in your garden, not common types. The Peoples Choice apple this year is Ambrosia which is wonderfully sweet and fresh tasting. David, a mid sized red is a different sweet tasting apple but like Ambrosia it will not keep for months in a cool place. But you don’t care about this!!! Buy em when they are in the stores and enjoy! My third apple, Ashmeads Kernal, a late season apple, will keep til January or longer if properly chilled. Liberty (not in my top three), is very good and the plant is mildew and apple spot resistant so great for the home gardener. My grandboy, Becket is a serious apple connoisseur so this was the perfect event us. The price for apples? 99 cents.